Jackey Coyle

What I do


I’m a jobbing writer with published work across print, web, magazines and scholarly publishing.


I’m editing books and theses, proofreading and mentoring authors these days.


My presenting includes a monthly radio segment, a fledgling artist practice and speaking gigs.

And there’s more …

Click these links for more about writingmanuscript assessmentediting, proofreading and publishing. For radio playlists, go to the blog.

Services offered:

  • for publishers – authoring, editing, research and proofreading
  • for authors – mentoring and coaching, MS assessment, editing, proofreading and publishing
  • for businesses – writing or editing newsletters, brochures, annual reports and websites
  • for students and academics – editing theses, journal articles and multiauthor journals
  • for freelance creatives – mentoring and training in business skills

Contact me here about your project.