Contact us
Availability in 2025:
20 February–4 April
Are you after an estimate? We need information about your project to figure out how much time is needed.
For a writing estimate or quotation, get the ball rolling with an introductory email outlining your project.
For an editing estimate, a sample is best – this can range from a few chapters to everything you’ve done so far. These details will help:
- what it is – e.g. book, feature, short story, thesis
- who it’s for – what kind of readership
- what it’s about – a brief summary
- how long it is – number of words written or planned
- how you would like to publish it – e.g. submit to publisher, self-publish; print, ebook
- what professional help you have in mind
- your deadlines or timelines.
We’ll get back to you within two business days during our office hours – Tuesday to Thursday 10am – 3pm.
Inquire about your project